How to Know if Pest Control Company Uses Quality Pesticides

How to Know if Pest Control Company Uses Quality Pesticides

Most pest control companies rely on pesticides to eradicate pests and insects since they are fast and efficient. However, not all companies give heed to using quality pesticides as recommended by the government and diverse health agencies. These companies consequently expose you, the environment and your loved ones to the health dangers associated with sub-standard pesticides.

As such, it is important to ensure that the company you solicit for pest control utilizes quality brands for its work. Here are some smart tips on how to do this:

Check with your pest control regulatory agency 

Every province has a pest control regulatory agency tasked with overseeing the production, sale and usage of pesticides. To this end, these agencies ensure that all pest control companies meet the necessary requirements for registration, including using recommended pesticides.
As such, check to see that your company of choice is registered, as it will be obligated to use quality products.

Visit the company’s website 

Honest and accomplished pest control companies make a point always to highlight their services and the products they use as well. As such, you can visit the company’s website to check the services provided and see whether they outline the pesticides they use for different purposes. You can then proceed to research the different pesticides to determine whether they are safe.

Perform a quick survey 

In cases where your preferred company does not highlight the products they use, you can always ask since most companies offer a free consultation to potential clients. You can take this opportunity to call your preferred company of choice and ask about the services provided and the pesticides used. With the right information at hand, you can then proceed to research the specific pesticide online, learn about it and verify whether it is cleared for use.

Customer reviews 

There are numerous online platforms dedicated to gathering information about pest control companies. People use these forums to share information and even recount their experiences working with different companies.

You too can benefit from these forums by reading past discussions or making an outright query about your desired company of choice, the quality of their services and the pesticides they use. Since these forums feature real people, you are guaranteed to get several honest reviews about your desired pest control company. In addition, your choices will be broadened as members discuss numerous companies.


These tips will save you a lot of time and effort when verifying the quality of pesticides used by any company. As such, utilize them before soliciting pest control services to avoid endangering your health and comfort.